
Why become a distributor of THRESHOLD Products

We sell THRESHOLD products all over the world, thanks to our network of hard-working distributors who know a good product – and a good partner – when they see one.

In addition to providing a line of innovative badges, we give our distributors the attention they expect and deserve, far more than other suppliers they may be used to.

For example, they make good use of the marketing materials we provide and appreciate our fast order turnaround, which helps strengthen the relationships they build with their clients.

As a distributor, you can expect:

Click the button below to contact me and learn more!

- Noel B. Turner, Vice President of Sales
1-800-243-1969 ext. 370,

The THRESHOLD Distributor Sales Team: 
Kate Lillis, Noel Turner, and Ron Coleman

Learn more about being a distributor ›

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