

Why Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Facilities need Visitor Management

by Paul Kazlauskas

Visitor Management, Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing Facilities

Security in Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Facilities is a critical function. Residents are vulnerable to safety and privacy issues if facilities don’t manage the flow of people coming into the building. Unauthorized visitors can also be upsetting to residents. They need to be protected.

A wide variety of individuals may access the campus buildings and grounds throughout the day. These individuals range from contractors and vendors to resident family members, volunteers and visitors. Internal and external visitor traffic pose a number of risks and can lead to elder abuse.

Elder abuse can take many different forms:

Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Facilities have a duty to protect and monitor anyone coming through their entrances. Residents have rights when determining who is allowed to visit them and who is not. And facility security isn’t limited to just the security of its residents. The facility also has a responsibility to ensure a safe environment for:

Accurate and reliable visitor details and sign-in history should be recorded for every visitor that enters an Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Facility. A visitor management system (VMS) allows a facility to keep a record of every single visitor your facility has had. Need to look up an individual? That’s not a problem and can be done in a few clicks.

A visitor management system offers many other security benefits for an Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Facility:

In addition to implementing a visitor management system, the Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Facility should think about overall policies for managing visitors. Here are some ideas for improving visitor management policies at a facility:

What other benefits can a visitor management system have for an Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Facility? How can their overall visitor policies be improved to help with the security of residents and other people who come into the building? Please join the conversation and add your thoughts in the “Comments” field below.

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Posted on 11/21/2019